Horizon2Horizon Photography is based in the small lakeside village of Nakusp, British Columbia, in the Valley of Hot Springs.
Arrangements can be made to view any prints we have on hand, and we can definitely place an order for a print you would like.
Please call head and arrange a time to visit.
Rory has had a keen interest in photography all of his life. Soon after he and his wife Beth moved to the Kootenays in 1991, making Nelson their home, he began to expand his photography skills as he explored the region while working in the forestry industry.
The young family moved to Nakusp in 1996 for work-related reasons, and have very much enjoyed their time here. The start-up of their family photography business, Kootenay Virtual Tours, in 2003, was a catalyst in providing Rory with additional opportunities to capture life through the lens. During 2003 and early 2004 the development of a website was the focus, in order to promote Rory’s service of photographing accommodations, real estate listings and landscapes, particularly in interactive and panoramic format.
In mid-2004 Rory began printing and selling his images in a variety of formats. After receiving enthusiastic response to his website’s interactive images and a select series of postcards sold at local retailers, Rory entered the market of large format prints. Meeting the need for local postcards and larger print images, particularly in panoramic format, has taken off. Prints have been sent to destinations across the world, including Scotland, Tasmania, and Australia, to name a few.
Rory’s portfolio continues to grow, in print and web media, as he enjoys the art of his craft and the service he is providing both locally and beyond.